Workshop Kannawurf Castle


During the on-site workshop at Kannawurf Castle, concepts were developed together with the students to show how the existing rooms could be used in alternative ways to ensure the usability of the property during the cold winter months.

The concept work was done in 4 groups. The ideas were built on site in different scales up to the implementation 1:1 and realised at least in parts. Everything was included, from small living cells that could be heated with minimal energy, to a cheese fetish with tasting facilities, to a swing installation and a modular living concept for the former pigsty.

Living in the castle together during the workshop days immediately brought the necessary empathy, even if the temperatures in the mild summer month of July offered far fewer challenges to feel at home. The common meal in the castle courtyard served as an additional incentive to feel comfortable and to be able to exchange ideas. At the end of the project, a presentation of the individual works took place in the presence of the lords of the castle, some visitors and neighbours as well as the local press.

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Juri Troy Schloss Kannawurf Juri Troy Schloss Kannawurf Juri Troy Schloss Kannawurf Juri Troy Schloss Kannawurf Juri Troy Schloss Kannawurf